
Posts uit juni, 2008 tonen

Shania dankt haar fans

Dit bericht staat op haar officiële website To my beloved fans: As I am sure you have seen or heard; I am going through a rough time personally in my life. I wanted you all to know that I could not be getting through this without you. Your letters, emails and words of encouragement give me strength. Your overwhelming support reminds me to smile, no matter how deep the pain and to always be grateful for all the beautiful blessings in my life. I have so much to say but I know the best way for me to speak is through my music. This is my therapy, my passion, and my love. I look forward to sharing it with all of you as I begin this new journey. I need some time to heal this broken heart but make no mistake; I will be back and hopefully stronger than ever. Thank you my friends, from the bottom of my heart. Love, Shania

Thibaud en Lange ontkennen relatie

Er zijn hardnekkige geruchten dat producer Mutt Lange (59) zijn vrouw Shania Twain (42) in de steek gelaten heeft voor een andere vrouw. Al gauw kwam de pers opdraven met ene Marie-Anne Thiébaud (37): een secretaresse van het koppel die ook het Zwitsers kasteel van Twain/Lange beheerde. Eén week later heeft deze vrouw besloten om zich te verdedigen. Talking to E! News from her hom in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday morning, Marie-Anne Thiébaud, a longtime secretary and house manager at Shania and Mutt's Swiss estate said, "When marriages break up, they break up for all sorts of complicated reasons, it's never just one. And those reasons should be kept private." Responding directly to rumors that she is directly responsible for the split, Thiébaud claimed, "If you're looking for a person that broke up a marriage then you have the wrong person. I'm not that person." And while reports allege that she and Mutt are now officially an item, Marie-Anne woul...